Juggling & Progressing

Well, last weekend was our big video shoot, then during the week we rehearsed, learned a new song ("Obvious Solutions") and then on Friday night we got to play at EL RIO for our international album street date celebration for THE JUGGLER'S PROGRESS. It was a spectacularly fun night that started with an excellent set from soon-to-be uber famous, Blair Hansen who wowed the crowd with pitch-perfect powerhouse vocals & strumming fusillades. Then we took the stage & launched into a magically robust version of, "Make Them Beg" which, due to time restraints, we weren't able play at our Bottom of the Hill show in November. We got so much love from the crowd --which only egged us on to dizzying unforeseen heights, and hence, throughout the set there was no telling what might happen next (well, that's how it felt, friends). After our set The Shebangs burned through a super fun set of their catchy pop. Oh yes yes yes. There was so much socializing & chatting & toasting with friends that it got very late before we all headed home to slumberland.
The next day we were perhaps a teensy bit worse for the wear but we bravely drove up to Willits for a show at Shanachie Pub which is a sweet venue populated with some extra nice folks who listened attentively, got their very own copies of "THE JUGGLER's PROGRESS" and generally spread the good vibes. We did two long sets which is always fun for us, cuz we can play more of our tunes-- and more is better. As a result, it was quite late when we headed back down the 101 to San Francisco ( we got back in town around 3 am. Oof).
Sunday afteroon saw us back on the 101 going south to San Jose for an in-store at Streetlight Records. Notwithstanding the colds Gary & Andrew were now harboring, we arrived, we set up, we played, and we went home...for now...
This week we head back up to Washington & Oregon for lots o' shows:
February 3 at THE CEDARWOOD DOME in Milton, WA. Yes, we are playing at A DOME!!!
February 5 at The Green Frog/Acoustic Tavern in Bellingham, WA
February 6 at Fuel in Seattle, WA--with Press on Randy
February 10 at ALL AGES early show at Le Voyeur in Olympia, WA with the HUNGRY MCs (featuring ELAN EICHLER!!!!)
February 11 at World Famous Bob's Java Jive with Press on Randy (again--yay!)
February 12 at Mississippi Pizza Pub in Portland, OR--with
Jenny Hoyston!!
February 13 at Luckey's Club in Eugene, OR.
February 14 on the radio at 11 am on Sunday Morning Hangover.
Please tell your friends/ family/ adversaries about our shows! We are always glad to meet new friends!