SO MANY True Margrit Irons in the Fire

Isn't that expression odd? "Irons in the fire"--are we branding cattle? Nay! And yet, are we not ranchers of songs? We are. Oh yes. Get along little dogies.

Anyhoo. This week, my friends, is chock full of Margritty goodness!!
For one thing, you can catch us live at our Official Celebration for the International Release of The Juggler's Progress Show at
EL RIO This Friday (January 29th 9pm)!
Also playing: The Shebangs !! and
Blair Hansen!!!!
For those who just joined us--you may ask "what is this Juggler's Progress of which you speak?" Why, it is our new album, that's what. available at Amazon, for example.
This past weekend, in an epic 14 hour shoot, we generated footage for not one, not two, but for THREE TRUE MARGRIT MUSIC VIDEOS (as seen in the above still shots). We were in the genius and capable hands of co-directors SARAH DUNHAM and CHELSEA WALTON who whisked us through "mouintain climbing" location shots on Bernal Hill, lip (& hand) synching in the Absolutely True Sound studio, a parking lot pillow fight, and a therapist session scene. We had KAT DOWNS (a brilliant singer/songwriter/pianist) all day applying & re-applaying fab makeup to the band and generally assisting and spreading the good vibe and mirth that was prevalent all day. Props go out also to our production assistants: Jon Carl, Alex Pena, and Sureena Mann (who all rock so hard)!!
After our EL RIO show we are heading back out on the road:
Saturday, January 30th: Shanachie Pub in Willits at 9pm-11:30 (!!)
Sunday, January 31st at 4 pm we have an in-store at Streetlight Records in San Jose.
and then up to Washington & Oregon for some fun and dandy shows up yonder.... including but not limited to:
February 3 at THE CEDARWOOD DOME in Milton, WA
February 5 at The Green Frog/Acoustic Tavern in Bellingham, WA
February 6 at Fuel in Seattle, WA--with Press on Randy
February 10 at Le Voyeur in Olympia, WA with the HUNGRY MCs (featuring ELAN EICHLER!!!!)
February 11 at World Famous Bob's Java Jive with Press on Randy (again--yay!)
February 12 at Mississippi Pizza Pub in Portland, OR--with
Jenny Hoyston!!
February 13 at Luckey's Club in Eugene, OR.
February 14 on the radio at 11 am on Sunday Morning Hangover with Marc Time!!
ps We are also rolling out some new fun top-secret stuff in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned.
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