2010 SxSW March into Spring Haiku BBQ Tour--DAY FIVE
"Not just fuel & food"
At the next exit
Maracas and whips in case
We lose the drumkit
"Texas is Big"
When I shut my eyes
Still see the landscape moving
Where is Motel 6?
"Gary & Andrew drinking ROCKSTARs"
Some beverages
Can level the peeing field
Next exit--please stop
"Insomnia #6"
I wake myself up
It turns out that I snore too
Throw pillows at me
At the next exit
Maracas and whips in case
We lose the drumkit
"Texas is Big"
When I shut my eyes
Still see the landscape moving
Where is Motel 6?
"Gary & Andrew drinking ROCKSTARs"
Some beverages
Can level the peeing field
Next exit--please stop
"Insomnia #6"
I wake myself up
It turns out that I snore too
Throw pillows at me