...being the observations and navigational extracts
from the ongoing expeditions of San Francisco Piano Pop trio
True Margrit

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Later.. after the show AND fried chicken

It's Order and it's KAOS.

(that is: 89.3 FM... if you are so motivated call 360-867-KAOS to request TRUE MARGRIT!!!)

We go back over to EVERGREEN STATE UNIVERSITY for our very last appearance ( for this tour) on KAOS radio on HUMPDAY HOEDOWN (this show was the original booking we had, before we got invited to two other additional shows) The staff at KAOS seemed bemused today with the ALL MARGRIT RADIO...they sent us home with KAOS bumperstickers and KAOS playing cards, saying we were the first band to play two days in a row... hee hee. It was fun. Our host, Guy is very patient with our utter punch-drunken, sleep-deprived, giddiness. We somehow get on this tangient describing touring as being like an "epic picnic" and Andrew keeps yelling from behind his kit:

"I can't get out of the meadow!"

When we get in the car we get a message that our radio show on Vashon Island is cancelled. Whoa! a day off? will we be productive, will we make it to Mt. Rainier? Will we be good and answer emails & fix up the website, etc, or will we end up at the casino, sodden with liquor and lamenting spent nickels?

We hit Fred Meyers (the Northwest's answer to Krogers or Safeway except more Walmart-ian in scale) around 6:30 hunting and gathering for the making of an epic dinner. Gary makes chili-pepper-infused cornbread and nutty stir fry, I make scalloped cheese & garlic taters, Heather makes a baked apple custard, and Andrew fries up a bunch o' chicken in his namesake lipid: BACON FAT. The band that cooks together is gustatory.

Yea verily.

And in the beginning there was the darkeness upon the waters, and LO! the waters were transmaugrified into bacon fat in which chicken was to be fried. And it was good. The diners smiled as they patted their swollen bellies.

And so, my fair readers, here's to fowl weather and pigs---a match made in Tacoma.


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