The Road to Bellingham is paved with fish
Saturday, Sept 10th
Heather & I are squished into the "rumble seat" of the truck and we are stuck in traffic and we are stuck maybe being late to the gig... we'll see... At least we have the Griddle CD to enjoy! And before that, the Vicious Fish CD! yeah! And before that we indulged our vanity and listened to the podcast SEATTLE AND BEYOND that featured : True Margrit! Not just once but twice with more promised! Thanks to Ken Clark!!! You do rock!!!!!!!!!!
OK, we are moving. We are concerned about getting up to Bellingham in time to make it to the yummy fish & chips restaurant that Stephanie Haffner & I went to last time we came up here to play.
lapse o'time...

We get to Bellingham in PLENTY of time as it turns out. Bay Street Coffeehouse was called Stuart's Coffeehouse when I was here with Stephanie. It was funkier (meaning: dirtier) back in 2003. Now they have a new wee stage and a rather nice PA (rather nice cuz it makes the vocals real loud). We start our set and instantly a couple appears from the street and commence slow dancing to our rendition of TOUCHING DOWN IN KNOXVILLE. They make it through over half of our set... even the time-signature-switching "margorhtyms" of VANITY LOVES COMPANY. Stalwarts! Aye.
I am afraid I don't get to have any fish & chips due to a weird tummyache--but the rest of the shore party samples the local fare at Boss Tweed's Fish and Chips Restaurant (why Boss Tweed!?? One reflects on the fact there's much to learn about Bellingham Histoire.)
AND not to be missed right next to the venue: the Museum of Radios and Electricity! We got a charge outta that.
& we head south...
Heather & I are squished into the "rumble seat" of the truck and we are stuck in traffic and we are stuck maybe being late to the gig... we'll see... At least we have the Griddle CD to enjoy! And before that, the Vicious Fish CD! yeah! And before that we indulged our vanity and listened to the podcast SEATTLE AND BEYOND that featured : True Margrit! Not just once but twice with more promised! Thanks to Ken Clark!!! You do rock!!!!!!!!!!
OK, we are moving. We are concerned about getting up to Bellingham in time to make it to the yummy fish & chips restaurant that Stephanie Haffner & I went to last time we came up here to play.
lapse o'time...

We get to Bellingham in PLENTY of time as it turns out. Bay Street Coffeehouse was called Stuart's Coffeehouse when I was here with Stephanie. It was funkier (meaning: dirtier) back in 2003. Now they have a new wee stage and a rather nice PA (rather nice cuz it makes the vocals real loud). We start our set and instantly a couple appears from the street and commence slow dancing to our rendition of TOUCHING DOWN IN KNOXVILLE. They make it through over half of our set... even the time-signature-switching "margorhtyms" of VANITY LOVES COMPANY. Stalwarts! Aye.
I am afraid I don't get to have any fish & chips due to a weird tummyache--but the rest of the shore party samples the local fare at Boss Tweed's Fish and Chips Restaurant (why Boss Tweed!?? One reflects on the fact there's much to learn about Bellingham Histoire.)
AND not to be missed right next to the venue: the Museum of Radios and Electricity! We got a charge outta that.
& we head south...
The overturned fish truck that caused to 1 hour delay on I-5 (we didn't actually see the "incident," but the olfactory evidence was, if not overwhelming, at least whelming) cost us a visit inside the Museum of Radios & Electricity. Bellingham was (as of this weekend, anyway) sleepy but beautiful. I hope we make it back there on the next trip.
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