...being the observations and navigational extracts
from the ongoing expeditions of San Francisco Piano Pop trio
True Margrit

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

More is Betterer

The next morning (Friday, October 30th 2009) dawns damp. I reflect upon the mountain named Mt Rainier and how its name could be properly interpreted as an adjective--because you know my friends, there are mountains in states that get a few inches of rain, and mountains in states that are more rainy, but Washington--the home of the volcano in question--is just rainier.


Around noon we realize we won't make it to our meeting with our distributor peeps ( Frank & Bill at Burnside Distribution Corp if we don't leave for Portland in ONE HOUR.


We leave at 1:20. Not bad for a bunch of musicians. A few updates to Frank & Bill are required to push the meeting back...but we do in fact, make it to the final appointed hour and have a nice chat with those nice folks.

Then we head to this evening's venue:
Mississippi Pizza Pub.

First things first! I have one of my free slices. DELICIOUS! I have the second. More is better. And more than that is betterer. The opening act Here Comes Everybody plays a set of their fine tunes to a lot of costumed grade school children--this is unexpected & cute.

The room shifts demographics as we take the stage and we rock out with mostly adults--although a few kids are out on the sidewalk making devil's horns through the windows at Andrew as the show progresses. It is Friday night, after all. After the show some of the remaining kids come in and ask me to sign their True Margrit stickers. I do, and they leave clutching their autographed stickers. One wee one returns about ten minutes later and compliments my piano playing. I thank her. She informs me that she plays piano and I tell her to be sure to keep it up.

"I will", she states emphatically.


Some nice women who had spent the whole show sending good vibes at us approach and tell me I'm "riveting" to watch-- which is so very flattering--that in fact makes my day. Praise is good --more praise is better! And more... you know.

We head over to my brother's domicile where we are once again crashing, and hang out with Elan & his friend Brett unto the wee hours. Oops--- we should really try to get more sleep, we have a long drive tomorrow. But we were having fun -and more is betterer...


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