...being the observations and navigational extracts
from the ongoing expeditions of San Francisco Piano Pop trio
True Margrit

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bellingham: 48.75°N 122.48°W Elev. 30 ft

We arrive in Bellingham at dusk. The sky has deepened to a robust Navy blue. There's a light breeze that is chilly. We take some flyers for the evening's show to a few locations along the Artwalk route (a monthly gallery crawl). We meet Django from Seatthole--the folks that made our t-shorts & stickers. He kindheartedly takes some flyers to distribute to artwalkers who pass through his gallery. We also drop off flyers at Merch-bot--a super fun store where we meet Jayda.

We wander over to the Shrimp Shack and have a fried seafood feeding-frenzy. Yum. Especially the cod.

Presently we get over to tonight's venue: The Green Frog/Acoustic Tavern. When we arrive the Tavern is completely full of folks who are grabbing guitars off the walls (where they customarily hang, it becomes clear), and strumming & singing & jamming. Jolly nice.

We take our time setting up our gear, many folks-songs are sung. Peanuts are eaten, shells tossed floorward, beers are swallowed with relish.

When we are ready to launch into our set, the awesome Terry-behind-the-bar lets the crowd know in no uncertain terms that there is a cover to support the musicians and those in the bar will no be paying it, thank you very much. And pay up they all do, and all who come through the door for the whole night. Wow! we need him on the road with us at ALL TIMES!

I like his latitude.

We play two long sets--the second one is a bit easier going once the monitor situation is sorted ( always challenging to play when one can't hear oneself). The peeps listen attentively, sip the excellent beer that Acoustic tavern purveys, and many folks sign the mailing list.

Around 12:45 am we wind up our 2nd set. We call it a night and are just kicking back with our nightcap beers, when a quartet of folks come in and beg us for a tune. We play two--always glad to oblige ( well.. often glad). They buy a CD or two and then it is late and thus time for pizza next door ( for it is now 7 hours and many many songs since the Shrimp Shack).

Thus fortified we pile into the truck and set a heading south, singing as we go.


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