...being the observations and navigational extracts
from the ongoing expeditions of San Francisco Piano Pop trio
True Margrit

Friday, May 18, 2007

It's a Jennifer Beals' World + I'M PUBLISHED!!!

Howdy Y'all. Didja miss me? I v'e been busy recording / concocting tracks for our new CD, and working on film scores, swimming(!), and much much more, too.


Sarah & I have been re-watching the 1st season of the L Word--much better (hotter, funnier) than the 4th season, I thinketh. And they didn't yet have that heinous theme song, just the flaccid electronica intro. Then we branched out & rented "Flashdance". JB in 1983 was of course as cute as a veritable button, but---hmmmmmmmm--it sure is the film that feminism forgot, sheeesh (you can watch it if you want to be queasy, girls, but it won't hold up to much scrutiny). It almost makes me imagine that portraying the compulsive super-achiever Bette Porter in the L-Word is Jennifer Beals' revenge on an industry that could produce a film like "Flashdance" that manages to hit so many wildly wrong notes about strong women. HA HA Adrian Lyne! Who's the maniac now?

Then we watched "The Devil in the Blue Dress" which is an excellent mystery with twists that I rather liked.

And then, the final film in our Jennifer Beals Film Festival: "The Anniversary Party". It has its moments in a "Who's-Afraid-of-Virginia-Woolf"-for-Gen X-ers/ its-my-rave-I'll-cry-if-I-want-to/ actors-chewing-scenery kind of way. Sadly, Jennifer Beals is in it way too little, and I always squirm watching Jennifer Jason Leigh, although it is one of her better roles. But she still strikes me as the Peter Lorre of femme fatales. Inexplicably creepy. Eeeeek, I'm scared.

On a completely different note: I'm now a published writer! A short story I wrote, called "Freak" is in the premiere issue of a new zine. It's called *** TOIL !!!***

Curious? You can order TOIL by sending two bucks to--
Power of Paper Productions
c/o Kimberlee
P.O. Box 660664
Sacramento, CA 95866

Ok, Bye for now.


Blogger Susudio said...

haha! Sounds like it was a fun J. Beals filmfest. I love that I got you hooked on L Word. :o) Congrats on the publishing!!!

Fri May 18, 10:56:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Margrit said...

thanks amadalalalalala!!

Tue May 29, 10:17:00 AM PDT  

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