...being the observations and navigational extracts
from the ongoing expeditions of San Francisco Piano Pop trio
True Margrit

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Elves Don't Cry

Tuesdays in June were noteworthy (in addition to the fun gig described in the previous post) for a limited theatrical engagement of The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition! YES! LOTR on a big screen. On Tuesdays! Why? Well the Blu-Ray of the extended version just came out, so what better way to pimp it than to show if off on the big screen--Peter Jackson: he's clever that way. Some of you may not, could not, did not care. But I do, fervently care about Frodo & Co. Oh Sam. I am glad you are with me.

I admit it--it still makes me cry, even though I know how it all ends. And have known for years due to myriad multiple re-readings of the books.

And then Harry Potter's final chapter came out mid-July --and this culmination generated further fantasy fan tears (ok, ok, including mine). Obviously, it pushes some buttons for some of us--one either has the sci-fi/ fantasy gene or one doesn't. There's nothing for it--that's just the way it is.

And the High Elves sail west with Dumbledore, Gandalf, Frodo and Harry . Merry & Pippin practice polyfidelity with Hermione. Ron Weasley and Sam start an organic farm in Yorkshire where True Margrit will play gigs once a year.

So. Don't cry! The Hobbit movie ( part one) comes out in 2012...and meanwhile we start off on a new True Margrit recording quest this very summer, with reluctant heroes, narrow escapes, bravery and fellowship--right after our gig at

ps it's my birthday show!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Jules and I am the sponsorship and booking director for Tomato Battle, LLC, based out of Seattle, Washington. (facebook.com/tomatobattle, twitter.com/tomatobattle) Tomato Battle is an international, all-day event which hosts live music, a battle of the bands, a beer garden, and an hour long, no-holds-barred, ten thousand+ person tomato fight. We're looking for bands to enter our battle of the bands video contest for Tomato Battle:NorCal, so I thought I'd reach out to you. Please go to www.tomatobattle.com/norcalbattle for info on how to enter. The deadline for entry is in two weeks, so I really hope you enter. And feel free to spread the word to other local bands if you like... Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks a million,
Tomato Battle

Mon Aug 15, 05:08:00 PM PDT  

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