Stardate 8/27/09

Last night?
Working on a film score (for Scott Boswell's "Burn LIke FIre") unto the wee hours, tuning the guitar to an open E flat, recording some music with this nice open tuning. Emailing clubs about the tour.
Emailing clubs about tour, recording more tracks with the open tuning, taking a break from music & swimming a mile-- and whilst walking home from the pool, working out lyrics in my head for a new tune, "Capsule Crush".
Suddenly, perhaps being lightheaded from lack of sleep or swimming or low blood sugar, feeling mystical communion with the sidewalk. Very pleasant. Mostly. Is this Nirvana? The sun warming the pavement. And lighting up a whole sky of florescent white cirrus clouds smeared above San Francisco's western ridges. Everything standing out in sharp relief--leaves on the street, tennis balls, pigeons. In the grocery store even the MUZAK is significant. Back outside the sidewalk continuing to unreel chronologically into my third eye or chakras or spririt navel. A huge venerable live oak on Shotwell Street leaning protectively over the Victorian house, dwarfing it and the little yard. Feeling tiny. Feeling huge.
Ready for lunch--and more tunes.
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